How to create API key for FTX exchange

This article I will guide you to create API key for 3rd party integration on FTX exchange << referral link for 5% trading fee discount

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

1) Create new subaccount (if needed) why? because you should not put your whole account at risk!!! how? Wallet >> (+)

2) Open API setting

3) Press the Create API Key button

4) Now you can use the API Key

⚠️ remember you’ve to store API Secret in the save place because you will never see it again after closing the popup and more importantly never share it to anyone/anywhere except the trusted 3rd party that you’d like to connect with ⚠️

That’s it, hope you can connect your FTX subaccount to the 3rd party by now.

Bonus: FTX auto lending (compounding) bot



Patompong Manprasatkul

An iOS Engineer📱investing in DEFI, FTX and ETF, interested in self driving car. @PattoMotto